Property building, Bird's-eye View in Cullinan Hplus Premium

Cullinan Hplus Premium


Cullinan Hplus Premiumへようこそ!ブラジリア、ブラジルの中心に位置する五つ星の宝石です。市中心からわずか2.8マイルの距離にあり、この素晴らしいホテルは贅沢さと便利さの完璧な融合を提供し、価格は驚くべき$61から始まります。Shn Quadra 4 Lote Eに到着した瞬間から、快適さと洗練の交響曲に迎えられます。ビジネスでもレジャーでも、私たちのスタイリッシュな宿泊施設は、思い出に残る滞在のための完璧な選択です。


しかし、私たちの言葉だけを信じないでください!5,100件以上のレビューが素晴らしいサービスと忘れられない滞在を強調しており、Cullinan Hplus Premiumはリラクゼーションと冒険を求める旅行者にとっての一流の目的地としての評判を得ています。今日、あなたの滞在を予約してください – ブラジリアの活気あるエネルギーがあなたのドアのすぐ外に待っています!

View (from property/room) in Cullinan Hplus Premium
View (from property/room), Seating Area in Cullinan Hplus Premium



1 クイーンサイズベッド

スイートデラックス, シングルユース, バルコニー


Suite with Balcony in Cullinan Hplus Premium


1 ダブルベッド


390 平方フィート

スイートルーム, バルコニー





Standard Double Room in Cullinan Hplus Premium


1 クイーンサイズベッド


300 平方フィート







味覚を刺激する時が来たら、Cullinan Hplus Premiumは素晴らしいオンサイトダイニングオプションで期待を超えます。多様な雰囲気とメニューが楽しめるトゥーク・グルメで、特別な料理体験に飛び込む準備をしてください!家族向けのご馳走、居心地の良いロマンチックなディナー、友人との活気ある集まりの気分に関わらず、このレストランではブラジル料理、イタリア料理、地中海料理、シーフードの特製料理が楽しめます。味わいはあなたを笑顔にし、ユニークな雰囲気を楽しみながら、リフレッシュできるカクテルを一杯か二杯味わうのをお忘れなく!

スタイリッシュにデザインされたお部屋に足を踏み入れると、すべてのディテールがあなたの快適さのためにキュレーションされています。想像してみてください:長い一日の探検の終わりにあなたを包み込む豪華な寝具と、息をのむような素晴らしい市街の景色!バルコニー付きの広々としたスイートから居心地の良いスーペリアルームまで、旅行者の好みに合わせたさまざまなお部屋のタイプが揃っているCullinan Hplus Premiumは、リラクゼーションのための避難所です。音を遮る宿泊施設の静けさと安らぎを楽しみながら、活気ある首都での冒険のためにもう一晩の安眠を準備してください。

Lobby or reception, Lobby/Reception in Cullinan Hplus Premium
Facade/entrance in Cullinan Hplus Premium


そして、滞在を楽にするホテルの簡単な支払いオプションをお忘れなく!現金が受け入れられ、Visa、アメリカン・エキスプレス、マスターカードを含む複数のクレジットカードオプションがあるため、費用の管理は休暇の予約と同じくらい簡単です。さあ、忘れられないダイニング体験やバーでのナイトキャップに少し贅沢をしてみてください—ブラジリアでの冒険があなたのドアのすぐ外で待っています、そしてCullinan Hplus Premiumで過ごすすべての瞬間が特別なものになることを約束します!

Bedroom, Food in Cullinan Hplus Premium
Living room, Seating Area in Cullinan Hplus Premium










Fitness centre/facilities, Fitness Center/Facilities in Cullinan Hplus Premium
Restaurant/places to eat, Drinks in Cullinan Hplus Premium


Toque Gourmet

ファミリーフレンドリー, 伝統的な, モダンな, ロマンチックな, ブラジル料理, イタリアン, 地中海, シーフード

Food and drinks in Cullinan Hplus Premium
Restaurant/Places to Eat in Cullinan Hplus Premium
Bed in Cullinan Hplus Premium
I has been there before and know there is a great place to stay. The staff is really ready to make us stage perfectly and unique. my just issue is abou the hotel process, like I call to restaurant, Iwant a beer, juice or soda in the pool area and anyone have a plastic glass to give us. Because in the pool we cannot have glasses bottles, Without this everything is ok.


The staff at reception went out of their way for a pleasant and professional check in. Everyone is very warm and professional, a difficult balance to attain. The receptionist Dhui went out of his way to help me very early in the morning. Congratulations.


I used to always stay at the Cullian. I tried it again after 3-4 years. It is still a good hotel. The weekend price is competitive, but during the week it gets expensive, compared to equally as good, and cheaper, options that are out there.


Good service, helpful staff. The food was delicious and the room service is very quick. Check in and check out were fast, with no complications. Complimentary water on the first day and complimentary Nespresso capsules every day!


One of the best hotels for the money in Brasilia. Breakfast is extensive with a large variety of food. The shower is amazing, the rooms are clean and the beds are comfortable. I usually prefer this hotel in Brasilia.


I has been there before and know there is a great place to stay. The staff is really ready to make us stage perfectly and unique. my just issue is abou the hotel process, like I call to restaurant, Iwant a beer, juice or soda in the pool area and anyone have a plastic glass to give us. Because in the pool we cannot have glasses bottles, Without this everything is ok.


The staff at reception went out of their way for a pleasant and professional check in. Everyone is very warm and professional, a difficult balance to attain. The receptionist Dhui went out of his way to help me very early in the morning. Congratulations.


I used to always stay at the Cullian. I tried it again after 3-4 years. It is still a good hotel. The weekend price is competitive, but during the week it gets expensive, compared to equally as good, and cheaper, options that are out there.


Good service, helpful staff. The food was delicious and the room service is very quick. Check in and check out were fast, with no complications. Complimentary water on the first day and complimentary Nespresso capsules every day!


One of the best hotels for the money in Brasilia. Breakfast is extensive with a large variety of food. The shower is amazing, the rooms are clean and the beds are comfortable. I usually prefer this hotel in Brasilia.


I has been there before and know there is a great place to stay. The staff is really ready to make us stage perfectly and unique. my just issue is abou the hotel process, like I call to restaurant, Iwant a beer, juice or soda in the pool area and anyone have a plastic glass to give us. Because in the pool we cannot have glasses bottles, Without this everything is ok.


The staff at reception went out of their way for a pleasant and professional check in. Everyone is very warm and professional, a difficult balance to attain. The receptionist Dhui went out of his way to help me very early in the morning. Congratulations.


I used to always stay at the Cullian. I tried it again after 3-4 years. It is still a good hotel. The weekend price is competitive, but during the week it gets expensive, compared to equally as good, and cheaper, options that are out there.


Good service, helpful staff. The food was delicious and the room service is very quick. Check in and check out were fast, with no complications. Complimentary water on the first day and complimentary Nespresso capsules every day!


One of the best hotels for the money in Brasilia. Breakfast is extensive with a large variety of food. The shower is amazing, the rooms are clean and the beds are comfortable. I usually prefer this hotel in Brasilia.



Shn Quadra 4 Lote E, Brasilia, 70704-000, ブラジル

Cullinan Hplus Premium